Our Experience
SERT has been doing international consulting in various sectors, such as oil and gas, mining, exploration, government, and non-profit for over 26 years. Our team has deep expertise in enterprise risk management (ERM) training, workshops, and assessment, security risk management, strategic planning, cybersecurity, crisis management, and pandemic management.
Information Technology Solutions
Delivery and management of the contract providing the largest records management system in the southern hemisphere with over 300 million records and 70,000 active users for the Department of Defence.
Selection, management, and oversight of the team delivering security governance for Australia’s largest ICT project, the National Broadband Network.
Strategic consultant providing data modeling, business strategy, a technical roadmap, user experience/interface specifications, and business process re-engineering for the SECTARA risk and compliance SaaS software platform.
Business process review of a portfolio of over 600 properties for Woodside Energy Ltd to design and deliver a sophisticated management framework and geographical information system for facilities management.
Enterprise Risk Management
​Our experience includes:
United Nations Office of Counter Terrorism (UNOCT) - Enterprise risk management (ERM) training, ERM workshops, enterprise risk assessment, ERM Plan.
Department of Agriculture, Water, and Environment (including Australian Antarctic Division, Post Entry Quarantine Facility, and Biosecurity Operations) - Enterprise Security Risk Assessment, Agency Security Plan, and a five-year risk treatment plan.
Developed the security risk framework model for the Security Risk Management Body of Knowledge (SRMBOK).
Contributions to several Australian and international standards, including ISO31000 Risk Management Guidelines, ISO28000 Supply Chain Security Standard, and the ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience working group work on the draft ISO 22340 Protective security.
Project and Program Management
Responsible for the $56 million five-year security upgrades program across 60 nations for the Australian Trade Commission.
On-time and under-budget delivery of multiple concurrent projects for property and facility upgrades at Woodside Energy Ltd, and later for the Australian Trade Commission.
Project manager for the ICT network at under sensitive and challenging remote working conditions at an isolated secure facility (Immigration Reception and Processing Centre).
Management and operations for a remote African exploration operation in East Africa.
Enterprise Security Risk Assessment (ESRA)
Enterprise Security Risk Assessments (ESRAs) for several organizations, including the Australian Defence Organisation, Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment, Australian Antarctic Division, Parks Australia, Department of Finance Australian Trade Commission, Australia’s largest natural resources project (the $24 billion North West Shelf Project), Malaysian Smelting Corporations Indonesian operations.
Development and implementation of a $56 million security risk management budget on behalf of the Australian Government in a tight 3-month timeframe, as well as program manager of that 5-year international program.
Developed the Five-Year Security Plan, and Security Performance Scorecard for the Australian Defence Organisation.
Senior security risk analyst for a number of projects on behalf of the Australian government, including the development of the 80-year Strategic Security Plan for the SEA1000 New Submarine program.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
Our unique root cause analysis (RCA) model is based on the US DoD Human Factors Analysis Classification System (HFACS) using pre-event and post-event modeling based on James Reason's Swill Cheese Model and Bow-Tie analysis.
SERT has used this approach to conduct detailed investigations and analyses of complex incidents on behalf of many clients.
Our RCA model explores up to five layers of underlying issues. It can be particularly effective for investigating near-misses to identify any vulnerabilities and provide recommendations before an incident.
Procurement Advisory Services
Provided the senior risk adviser for the $300 million Defence Regional ICT Market Testing.
Managed six contracts, 200 staff, and a $16 million annual budget to provide facilities management for Australia’s largest resources project, the $24 billion NW Shelf Venture.
Procurement, market testing, cost basis analysis, and subsequent management of an $18M services contract, which delivered a $3 million savings (13%) at Woodside’s NW Shelf Venture.
Risk management advisory services for strategic project teams for grants management, procurement, information technology systems, and business continuity planning at the Department of Health and Ageing.